Kings Drinking Game

  1. Kings Drinking Game Rules Pdf
  2. Kings Drinking Game Rules

The Kings Cup drinking game is a card game for any number of players (although we suggest at least 3). In this game players flip cards and perform actions. As players draw the four kings they pour their drinks into a cup, and the final player to draw one must chug it.

This drinking game is popular and very simple for anyone to play. All cards are placed face down and players take turns flipping each card and doing the action associated with that card via these simple kings cup rules. When a player draws a king they pour some of their drink into a central mug and the player who draws the fourth and final king must drink that cup and the game is done.

Kings Cup Rules

On a scale from one to drunk, everyone knows King's Cup is the highest-ranked drinking game around in terms of its ability to get people wasted. But, after playing the game some three million times, we've found a way to keep the game interesting. Here are our 30 new rules you can use to take your drinking game from zero to shit-faced in no time.

  • Ace: Create a rule, anyone who disobeys the rule must take a drink.
  • Two: “Two is for you”. Assign one drink to another player.
  • Three: “Three is for me”. Take one drink.
  • Four:”Touch the floor”. Last player to touch the floor after this card was drawn takes 1 drink.
  • Five: “Five’s for the guy”. All guys playing take 1 drink.
  • Six: “Six is for the chicks”. All girls playing take 1 drink.
  • Seven: “Seven to heaven”. Last player to raise their hand drinks.
  • Eight: “Never have I ever”. The Player that flipped this card states something they have never done. Everyone who has done that must take 1 drink.
  • Nine: “Bust a rhyme“. The player that flipped this card chooses a word and then players take turns in a clockwise order rhyming with that word. First player to take too long to think of a word or repeats a word has to drink.
  • Ten: “Story time”. The player who drew this card says 3 words to start a story. Then in turn going clockwise the next player must repeat every word of the story and then add a word of their own at the end. The player that doesn’t say the right words has to drink.
  • Jack: “Categories”. The player who drew this cards names a category. Then in turn going clockwise each player must name something that fits within that category. The player who fails to do so has to drink.
  • Queen: “Waterfall“. The player who drew this then proceeds to drink as much of his drink as he wants. The next player clockwise then has to start drinking his/her own drink until the player before him/her puts their drink down. This continues clockwise until the last player puts their drink down.
  • King: “King’s cup”. The player who drew this card pours some of his drink into the central cup. The player who draws the fourth and final king must drink everything in the central cup. Other players toast and the game is over

Optional Rules

If you don’t like some of the rules on these cards, here’s a few other rules you could use to swap out the ones you don’t like.

  • See full list on
  • Play Kings Drinking Game Play Kings Card Gamewithout the cards if you must. Just select a game below and play using a virtual deck. Perfect for impromptu bouts of awesomeness, all you need is a.
  • What is the game Kings? This is a drinking game called Kings that has several names such as king’s cup, jug oval, Heroes, donut, ring of fire or of fire. There is a Japanese version of the game as well. This game requires that you use playing cards. Each player must dispense drinks based on the cards that they draw and drink as well.
  • Questions: Choose a player in the room to ask a question, they must reply with a question to another player. Continue until someone doesn’t use a question or repeats one that was already said, they drink.
  • Screw You: This one’s a counting game. Whoever draws the card says the number “One.”. Then the next player clockwise says two, and so on. The catch is whenever a player is supposed to say a number that contains a 7, or is divisible by 7 they must say “Screw You” instead. First to mess up drinks.
  • Thumb Card: Whoever draws this is the thumb master. At any point they can put their thumb on the table, the last player to put their thumb on the table after that drinks.
  • Mate: Choose another player at the table. Whenever either of you is forced to drink, so is the other one.
  • Snake Eyes: Everyone close their eyes. Then each player points at another player while their eyes are still closed. At the count of three each player opens their eyes. If two players are both pointing at each other they both drink.

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Kings drinking game online

Kings Drinking Game Rules Pdf

Everyone seems to have a different idea of what the best kings cup drinking game rules should be so feel free to experiment and swap out rules that you don’t like.

When it comes to drinking games, there can only be one to take the synonym “best” drinking game of all time. According to our research, Kings is the most popular drinking game, as it has been a staple of parties for many years. It is a kind of drinking game that is played with a deck of cards and simple rules. If you are eager to learn how to play the best drinking game ever, here is everything you need to know about Kings before you invite your friends over and have an epic night.

What Is So Great About Kings Drinking Game?

While it is unknown which year was Kings played first, it is safe to say that it is one of the oldest drinking games. It may not be one of the drinking games played in ancient Greece or ancient China, but it is certainly the most popular drinking games over the last couple of decades. The reason why this game is popular is its simplicity. It uses a standard deck of 52 cards and can be played with at least two players, but it is highly recommended to be played by more players for more exciting experience. Also, Kings drinking game is the game you want to play when you are getting to know your new friends. This drinking game involves all the players into drinking action and they drink according the face-down cards they draw each turn.

4 Ways to Play the Drinking Game King

Kings Equipment & Setup:

To play Kings, you will need:

  • A deck of cards;
  • 2 or more players;
  • A set of chairs;
  • A (round) table;
  • A large cup to use as the King’s Cup;
  • Alcohol by your choice (wine, beer or mixed drinks);

Kings Drinking Game Rules

Once you have all of the required equipment for Kings drinking game, it is time to set up the game. All players take a sit in a circle around the table. Put the King’s Cup in the center of the table, around which all the cards are spread, face-down. Then, the players take their drinks in front of them and everything is set to start playing.

Kings Drinking Game Rules:


The Kings drinking game is today available in many different versions and known by many alternative names, even though the classic version is played the most. Some of the most popular alternative versions of Kings drinking game are known by the names Heroes, Circle of Death, Oval of Fire, Ring of Fire, King’s Cup, Donut and others. The timeless classic version is still the most common choice for many parties. When the table is set and the players are ready, in turns, each player picks up a card of the face down cards and performs the action associated with the drawn card.


The rules of Kings are very specific, that’s why all the players must be familiar with them before starting to play. Each card is associated with some sort of action that the players must complete. If a player doesn’t complete the action correctly or it’s taking him/her too long, there are penalty drinks. The player who makes a mistake needs to drink for about 5 seconds. The game ends when all the cards are drawn or all the players drunk. Here are the rules of Kings drinking game:

  • Aces: Waterfall – It is the most “dangerous” card of all, as it requires all players to drink for a while. When an Ace is drawn, all players at the table must drink, starting with the player who drew it. Each player starts drinking at the same time as the person to their left. No one can stop drinking until the player before them does.
  • 2: You – Whichever player draws a 2 of any color, he/she chooses another player to drink.
  • 3: Me – Whichever player draws a 3 – drinks.
  • 4: Floor – When a 4 is drawn of the pile of cards, all players race to touch the floor. The last player to do so – drinks.
  • 5: Guys – When a 5 is drawn, all the guys at the table drink.
  • 6: Girls – When a 6 is drawn, all the girls at the table drink.
  • 7: Heaven – If a player draws a 7, all players have to raise their hands in the air. The last player to do so – drinks.
  • 8: Mate – If a player draws an 8, he/she must pick another player at the table who will drink every time they do. This lasts until someone else draws an 8. But if one of the “mates” forgets to drink when their mate is drinking, there is another additional penalty drink.
  • 9: Rhyme – Whoever draws a 9, says a word out loud. The other players must say words that rhyme (for example sup, club, cup, bub, hub, etc.). The rhyming continues until a player cannot come up with a rhyming word and he/she takes the drinking penalty.
  • 10: Categories – The player who draws a 10 picks a category and the player to his/her right must come up with something that belongs to that category. For example, if “Marvel” is the category, “Captain America” would be a suitable answer.
  • Jack: Rule-Making – If a player draws a Jack, he/she is able to make a new rule that all of the other players must follow for the rest of the game. The player who breaks the rule takes the drinking penalty. The rule can be broken if another player draws another Jack and uses it to annul its effect.
  • Queen: Questions – If a player draws a Queen, he/she becomes the questionnaire and is allowed to ask random questions to any player. Anytime the questionnaire asks a question and gets an answer, the player who answered drinks. The questionnaire can use this ability to ask players common questions (what time is it, what’s your name, etc.) just so that they could drink more. This continues through the game until another player draws a Queen and becomes the new questionnaire.
  • Kings: For The King’s Cup – For each of the first three Kings drawn, the players puts some of their drinks into the large King’s Cup. The player who draws the 4th King must drink all of the contents of the King’s Cup!

Drink responsible, relax and do not drive after playing Kings Drinking Game!